St. Mary's English School, Bhavnagar is an educational institution run by the catholic minority community, which is recognized by the department of Education of Gujarat State. It is managed by Vidyajyoti Charitable Trust, to impart the knowledge and to develop the individual for the holistic development. The school is open to all, irrespective of caste or community.
ESt. Mary's English School, Bhavnagar is an educational institution run by the catholic minority community, which is recognized by the department of Education of Gujarat State. It is managed by Vidyajyoti Charitable Trust, to impart the knowledge and to develop the individual for the holistic development. The school is open to all, irrespective of caste or community.
The School has partnered with Learning Forward India, whereby Educators undertake structured Training sessions and self-directed professional learning.
The Professional Learning Program (PLP) aligns with the mission of Learning Forward , the world's largest body of individual educators, with a vision of excellent teaching and learning every day. The Iconic School, in collaboration with The Learning Forward India Academy promotes building the capacity of leaders to establish and sustain highly effective professional learning. Professional learning means a comprehensive, sustained and intensive approach to improving teachers’ and principals’ effectiveness in raising student achievement.