St. Mary's English School, Bhavnagar is an educational institution run by the catholic minority community, which is recognized by the department of Education of Gujarat State. It is managed by Vidyajyoti Charitable Trust, to impart the knowledge and to develop the individual for the holistic development. The school is open to all, irrespective of caste or community.
Saint Mary's English Medium School, Bhavnagar is primarily meant to provide Catholic children with sound education based on religious and moral values, but it is open to all, irrespective of religion, caste or community, paying due respect to their religious feelings and freedom of conscience. It promotes religious tolerance and communal harmony.
The School aims at integral development of the child giving emphasis to academic excellence and character formation based on spiritual and moral values. It prepares students to become responsible citizens to create a happy society based on the values of unity, equality, justice and brotherhood. Spirit of patriotism, communal harmony and concern for the poor are fostered through different programmes.
With this end in view, and guided by the Christian principles, the school makes a careful selection of the students who apply, and demands from them high standards in ideals and attainments.
We have a local and national reputation for excellence due to the outstanding quality of our teaching and support and the resulting high levels of student aspiration and achievements. We will help you realise your potential, maximise your results and achieve success, at School and in the future.
Reputation for quality and excellence
Year on year our students achieve excellent results and high grades for Higher Levels and advanced level qualifications.
Our students make outstanding progress and achieve beyond expectations.Our students achieve significantly higher grades than predicted, based on their GSEB results.